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Isn't it fun to know where you fit in life?!
oh the joys of the internet! yes i'm beginning to be a quizilla whore so here we go, these are my results so far!

Your Extroversion Profile:

Cheerfulness: Very High
Friendliness: Very High
Activity Level: High
Assertiveness: High
Excitement Seeking: High
Sociability: High

Your a Vampire! Maybe a tad goth...your obsessed with the night. Maybe Killing the living, sucking the blood off the innocent.
You my friend are the deadliest creature out there.
Are you a Vampire/Goth/Punk/Poser/Emo/ or just a plain PREP!?
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You are exactically like me! You could be a vampire
with your eye closed. The thought of drinking
blood doesn't make you skwimish, and you get
upset easily when reminded that vampires aren't
real. You are a true vampire deep within.

Could you be a vampire?
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What did YOU do?

You're Violet. You're cool and collected on the surface, but inside there's a storm a-brewin'. Your bad side is a terrible place to be.

Which Skary are you?

What Coloured Lightsabre Would You Have?
Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination as well as passion and desire.
You have seen the Strength and Power of the Dark Side of the Force and you thirst for more of it.

What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
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What Kind of Killer Are You?

You are a maniac killer.
It doesn't matter who they are and what they
have or haven't done. You still want to kill
them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun.
Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe
you have some sort of mental problems or you
are this way because of previous deep scars,
only you know. But now you are sadistic and
maybe you only like to see a special group of
people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are
not the most social person in the bunch and
people think you are weird. That bothers you
somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself
with daydreaming about killing them. After all,
they have no idea what's coming.

Main weapon: Explosives and torture
Quote: "Insanity: a perfect
rational adjustment to an insane world" -
R.D. Lang
Facial expression: Wicked smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
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What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
In your eyes, people see kindness... You're just so... so... so... Sweet!
You're kind and love to give others in need, a helping hand. You're pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards those you know, and those who know you best. Your sanctuary would just be any place that is warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You love to show signs of affection to your lover but a small simple talk does the trick as well ; )
Sadly, your kindness can be used to your disadvantage. People can use you, and take advantage over your sweet and sensitive mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind and generous, people look up to you and adore you ^_^
No one would dare hurt you because they can't bear the thought of your sweet smile turning into a frown : )

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
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You are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You're adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse

which happy bunny are you?
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